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Reasons for You Never To Skip Exercise

Results available from research conducted have confirmed that any quantity of exercise regardless of the age is beneficial. Generally, it is believed you can get additional benefits if you indulge in exercising regularly. Studies have also confirmed that getting some physical activity is essential for everyone.

The National Academy of Sciences has recommended that people should be getting at least an hour of physical activity every day. This may seem like a lot of time for many individuals but it must be understood that the hour can be shortened into several bursts which ultimately total up to one hour. Physical activity is also important for any weight loss programs to maximize fat loss while retaining valuable muscle mass. However, exercise also has a number of other benefits and it can prevent or improve some of the conditions mentioned below.

“…the gym is a kind of wildlife preserve for bodily exertion. A preserve protects species whose habitat is vanishing elsewhere, and the gym (and home gym) accommodates the survival of bodies after the abandonment of the original sites of bodily exertion.”

~Rebecca Solnit

Heart Disease

The muscles of the heart begin to strengthen with regular physical activity while also bringing down blood pressure. Changes will also be seen in the levels of HDL cholesterol which is classified as ‘good’ cholesterol and LDL cholesterol which is its ‘bad’ counterpart. Exercise can enhance blood flow helping the heart to function efficiently. These benefits can reduce the risks of heart disease, high blood pressure, and strokes. People are not required to spend a great deal of time exercising because researchers have also confirmed that physical activity of any kind is helpful to the heart regardless of the intensity.


Through analyzing about 23 studies, researchers established that the risks of strokes and death can be reduced  with the help of exercise. Moderately active individuals reduced the risks of strokes by 20% as compared to participants that were not active. The study gives a clear indication that even moderately active individuals can benefit from the physical activities they are indulging in.

Type II Diabetes

Type II diabetes cases have alarmingly increased since 1990. Approximate 17 million Americans are suffering from this condition. Regular physical activity can enhance weight loss while also helping to prevent or control diabetes type II. Weight loss can improve blood sugar and cholesterol levels while at the same time also increasing insulin sensitivity. Weight loss will also reduce high blood pressure which is extremely important for people who are suffering from diabetes type II. In this case, people do not have to get into any kind of intense activity but only need to go for a brisk walk for an hour every day to reduce their risk.


It has often been noticed that women suffer from osteoporosis after the postmenopausal stage and the reasons for this have been attributed to bone loss. This problem can easily be prevented by conducting weight-bearing exercises such as walking, jogging, dancing or lifting weights.


People who are suffering from the problem of obesity will also benefit from any type of exercise they decide to get involved in. The exercise will not only help them lose weight but will also improve any of the conditions which have been spoken about earlier in this discussion. They will also be in a better position to move around and will not be required to be ashamed about their appearance.

“The writer must have a good imagination to begin with, but the imagination has to be muscular, which means it must be exercised in a disciplined way, day in and day out, by writing, failing, succeeding and revising.”

~Stephen King

As it is evident from the information provided exercise can only provide a host of benefits for people that are interested in having better health for themselves. People are advised not to believe they should be investing large sums of money for equipment or visits to a high-profile gym. They are just required to indulge in some physical activity in order to remain fit and stay away from some of the health conditions which can affect them.

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